Lost Frequencies ft Calum Scott - Where Are You Now (Official Video)
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Stream Where Are You Now on all dsp's: https://lostfrequencies.lnk.to/WhereAreYouNow
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Follow Calum Scott:
Facebook: https://CalumScott.lnk.to/facebookID
Twitter: https://CalumScott.lnk.to/twitterID
Instagram: https://CalumScott.lnk.to/instagramID
TikTok: https://CalumScott.lnk.to/tiktokID
Creative direction & graphics: Celis Jansen & Joeri Worm @wearemoire
Agency: Wolfstreet @wolfstreetagency
Director: Brett de Vos @brettdevos_
Creative director: Jort Wildschut @jortwildschut Executive producer: Jurriaan Kamps @jurriaankamps
Post-production company: Wolfstreet @wolfstreetagency
Editor: Brett de Vos @brettdevos_
VFX : Damiaan van Dracht @damieyaan, Tommie Geraerdts @tommiegeraedts
Online editor: Sam van der Poel @sampoeli
Grading: Thijs Kern @thijskern
Sound: Klevr @klevrsounddesign
NL crew:
Producer: Tess Wijker @tesswijker
1st A.D.: Libbe van Dijk @libbevandijk
D.O.P.: Thomas Fibbe @thomasfibbe
1st A.C. / Focus: Maric Dam @maric98
Steadicam: Max Franken @steadifox
Gaffer: Berend Holtkamp @berendhansholtkamp
Best Boy: Yannick Giraud @yannick_giraud
Setdresser: Barbara van Immerseel
MUAH: Robin van den Brink
UK crew:
Line production company: Nerd Productions
Executive Producer: Milana Karaica @milanakaraica
Line Producer: Marta Belczynska
D.O.P.: Nathalie Pitters @nathalie_p
1st AD: Rosie Owen @rosieowenfilm
Steadicam: Seb Jolly
Focus Puller: Daniel Deighton
Production Designer: Johnny Savage @johnnysavageart_
Gaffer: Leopold Naessens @leopoldnaessens
Stylist: Amy Simmons @amysimmonsstylist
Hair & Make up: Kiera O’Brien @kierobmakeup
Art Runner: Jake Buckley @jakebuck
Choreo & lead dancer: Emma Holt @emma_holty
2nd lead Dancer: Wachi Vong @wahchivong
Dancer: Marie-Anna Caufour @marieanna_cfr
Dancer: La’Mel @lalalamel_
Dancer: Federica Somma @trichio
#WhereAreYouNow #LostFrequencies #CalumScott
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